" Sometimes you've got to do the wrong thing to do the right thing, and I'd convinced Paul that this was the right thing. I just wasn't so sure I'd convinced myself." - Mac Slater, Cool Hunter
Mac Slater, Cool Hunter (I Heart NY) by Tristan Bancks. It is the story of Mac and Paul. Previously they had won a competition to become a cool hunter, someone who finds cool stuff and vlogs on the Coolhunters website. In winning the competition he gets to fly to New York for a week, all expenses paid; as long as they find cool stuff to upload. The first day everything goes wrong, the next day their luck seems to be changing. Mac finds a whole group of people inventing the coolest things ever but this time he must keep it a secret.
I actually only read the second book in the series. I didn't even think it was a series; the title on the cover basically says mac slater, cool hunter there is a tiny writing saying "2 I <3 NY", i just thought this was part of the graphics. Other than that there was no mention of it being a series.
I found this book really, really weak. I kept on reading and waiting for it to reach a climax but I didn't really think it go to it.