started my life with a single absolute: that the world was mine to shape in the
image of my highest values and never to be given up to a lesser standard, no
matter how long or hard the struggle.”
you don't know, the thing to do is not to get scared, but to learn.”
is not death that we wish to avoid, but life that we wish to live.”
Atlas Shrugged by
Ayn Rand is the story of the creative minds, the hard workers, the inventors
protesting against the corrupt government and society. It is mostly told
through Dagny Taggart’s (a railroad executive) point of view. She struggles to
follow her moral code and love for her industry while having to sacrifice
everything for a society/government that judges her as amoral; taking advantage
of her virtues. John Galt becomes the symbol of everything she hates, but
mostly everything she loves. Dagny finds a broken down motor which runs on
static electricity, as she tries to find the inventor and his reasons for
abandoning the motor she begins to find a whole new world and philosophy. Dagny
is reluctant to give up her railroad but she begins to see that she is only
helping the looters.
As you should be
able to tell by my use of three quotes, I really liked the book and what it had
to say. I had previously read, We the Living, and I had really enjoyed it so I
decided to read another of Rand’s book. I must say, I have found that I really
agree with Rand’s philosophy. There were a lot of teachers that did not support
me reading this book, they thought it would ‘brainwash’ me; too extremist. I
don’t think these teachers had completely read the book, because too me it wasn't
just about being rich and selfish. Sure, it justified capitalism and some
things were exaggerated; however, it talked about hard work, about only giving
and taking what is deserved and about money being important but only the tool
and not the means or the end.